Completing the application is the first step to becoming who you were meant to be!
Eligibility Requirements
- Applicants MUST be 16 years or older and have a State ID/DL or another approved Identity Document, and Social Security proof (required for some programs)
- If 16, MUST have court order, withdrawal forms from last High School attended and parent permission – signatures in the application form.
- If 17-18 without a High School Diploma or GED, MUST have withdrawal forms from last High School attended and parent permission – signatures in the application form.
To request assistance with enrollment for a different day and time, contact us at (210) 432-6123 option zero to schedule an appointment. If you have questions about the application process, review our FAQs.
1.- Complete Application
Submit Eligibility Documents
- ESL and GED applicants MUST submit:
- State ID/DL, Birth Certificate, Passport, Matricula Consular, or other approved Identity Document), and
- Social Security Card (preferred)
- COLLEGE and TRAINING applicants MUST submit:
- State ID or DL, and Social Security Card
- HS Diploma or GED proof (not required for Office Support Assistant or Logistics trainings)
- Medical programs also require proof of: Immunization records
2.- Complete Orientation (Online)
- Instructions for the orientation will be emailed after completing the application and submitting documents.
3.- Take the Placement Assessment (In-Person)
- Instructions for scheduling the assessment will be emailed after completing the orientation.
4.- Complete My Learning Plan
- Instructions to join the My Learning Plan activity will be emailed after completing the Placement Assessment
1.- Completar la Aplicación
Enviar sus Documentos de Elegibilidad
- ESL y GED DEBE enviar:
- Identificación o Licencia de Conducir del Estado, Acta de Nacimiento, Pasaporte, Matricula Consular, u otro documento de identidad aprovado, y
- Tarjeta de Seguro Social (preferido)
- Identificación o Licencia de Conducir del Estado y Tarjeta de Seguro Social
- Diploma de High School o GED (no requerido para entrenamientos de Office Support Assistant o Logistics)
- Programas Medicos tambien requiren su cartilla de vacunación
2.- Completar la Orientación
- Correo electrónico con el enlace y las instrucciones para completar la orientación serán enviados después de completar su aplicación y enviar los documentos necesarios.
3.- Tomar el Examen de Prueba Inicial
- Correo electrónico con el enlace y las instrucciones para agendar la cita para el examen de prueba inicial serán enviados después de completar su orientación. El examen será en persona en las Oficinas centrales de Restore Education.
4.- Completar la actividad de Mi Plan de Aprendizaje
- Correo electrónico con las instrucciones y sesiones disponibles serán enviados después de completar su Examen de Prueba Inicial.