Elisa A. is our Digital Literacy Student of the Month!

For Elisa, enrolling in a digital literacy course after 20+ years of not working in the space is a HUGE accomplishment!

Elisa is equally passionate about the ethical use of technology, as she is about supporting her fellow classmates with language barriers. She is also a proud Mom of a child with special needs. Nowadays, they approach learning together with a sense of determination and optimism.

Upon graduating from her program, Elisa aspires to rejoin the workforce, already feeling empowered with the progress she has made and newfound skills she’s acquired.

You are such an awesome role model, Elisa!

“Elisa regularly participates in class discussions, and strongly advocates for learning digital skills. Despite her own personal challenges, Elisa is always willing to help others who are struggling.”

– Digital Literacy Staff, Gabriel Pena

Restore Education Student "Elisa A."