To know Merve’s story is to appreciate how incredibly courageous and resilient she is.
Before immigrating to the United States, Merve lived in Turkey. During her time there, the country suffered major earthquakes, and sadly, she lost multiple family members to the devastation. Seeing the collapsed buildings on a daily basis reminded her of her loss and the grief she felt.
Prior to leaving for the US, Merve completed a degree in computer engineering, and hopes to eventually find a career where she can capitalize on her previous education. Any opportunity she gets, she is studying English and practicing her reading and writing skills.
When working in groups, Merve is always engaged. She speaks with a quiet voice, but has the respect of her peers. She shows interest in her classmates’ diverse backgrounds, and makes everyone feel comfortable.
We are so thrilled to have you as part of our Restore family, Merve!
“Merve came to the US from Turkey hoping to start a new life with her sisters. She is a kind, gentle spirit who sees the best in people. She sets a great example for her classmates, and is very determined to improve her English.”
– ESL Program Staff, Patricia Anderson